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B&P Family Farms is a family owned business committed to conserving and improving our native forests, wildlife, and wildlife habitat.  We are your complete resource for wildlife, habitat, and forest management.  From your old family place to the large tracts of commercial operation and everything in between, we want to partner with you for the planning, implementing, and maintaining of your wildlife habitat and forestry projects.

Consulting – Full property consultations to create management plans and to identify and prioritize projects specific to landowner goals.

  • Timber management
  • Wildlife management (overall or specie specific)

Tree Planting and Food Plots – We specialize in wildlife food sources!  We provide over 60 species of the most desirable and high-quality trees and plants for wildlife that we grow in our own nursery.

  • Specialty tree plots
  • Reforestation
  • Food plot creation, reclamation, and management

Your Conservation Partner – Rely on our professional knowledge and experience to accomplish all your property’s projects and management needs.

  • TSI (hack-n-squirt, cut & paint)
  • Invasive Specie (identification and removal)
  • Predator Trapping (services and supplies)
  • Camera Survey
  • Stand Site (identification of location and access)
  • RX Fire
  • Road or trail construction